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Sunday, June 12, 2022

Elderberry flower . fritters

Elderberry flower fritters  well I must say I got in a bit of a hurry on this ad the results, although tasty or a bit on the greasy side. In our house we normally don’t deep fry anything so in the future I think I would just take the elderberry flowers and mix them in a batter for fritters or pancakes, even better yet if you’re worried about your diet that is. They add a nice sweetness to the fritters and this time I won’t have to be disappointed that the birds ate all the elderberries before I got a chance to get to them. I at least got the flowers this time around :-) .


Thai soup with foraged greens I don’t know why we look further than our own backyards for nutritious food?

 Thai soup with foraged greens. I love a good spicy Thai soup. I found all the ingredients out in the yard and in the alleyway. I have squash blossoms from my garden, some sort of squash that I have no idea what the name of it is, lambs quarters, Primrose leaves and Primrose buds, and curly dock leaves. I did, of course, add coconut milk, a little bit of chili paste and ginger and a teaspoon of sugar and some garlic. It was delicious! I didn’t have to worry about anything being poisoned or for that matter hard to grow. Most of the world sees some of this food as weeds and it’s because it grows without any effort on your part. I will probably be picking lambs quarters and curly dock leaves all summer long. I don’t know why we look further than our own backyards for nutritious food?