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Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Making your own wild herbal mix

I am in love with my dehydrator.  I had been gathering wild onions ( traveling onions given to me by a Native American Airbnb guest ) and rather than toss the very ends, I decided to dry them.  I added wood sorrel, green garlic tops, and then thought, " I can add as many garlic and onion leaves as I want... they will just keep producing anyways, so I took my scissors to the garden and just lopped some off, leaving the bulbs and a large portion of green leaves to continue their growth.  I also added a lot of oregano, both Greek and Italian, that I have growing in the garden.  In the past I also threw in some lemon grass as well.  A few hours in the dehydrator, a second or two in the blender and I have my own 'no salt' mix.  In the past I have also added a few other wild greens like lambs quarters, purslane. but only a little as I want the flavors of the herbs to come through but for cooking soups and such, it is nice to have the extra vitamins/minerals offered by the greens. 

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