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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Supper from the alleyway

I decided to shop for supper in the wild places tonight.  Most of this meal came within steps from my back door.  I think it is one of my new favorite meals.
Main Dish
Poke ( boiled one time, water poured off and then sauted w other greens)
Wood Sorrel ( just a little)
lemon zest
a squeeze of lemon
a sprinkle of Parmesan
lemon zest ravioli from Trader Joes

fresh picked lettuce from the garden along with
Lambsquarters and a Magenta form of Lambsquarters
a few leaves from the cabbage, broccoli and kale plants
home made oil and vinegar dressing w a little dijon and lemon
avocado, cashews

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Propeller Seeds from the Maple Tree

I went to a permaculture pot luck meal the other night and ran into an old friend who now works for the health dept and is interested in teaching people about available food that is right outside their door.  I always liked that guy :-).  Guess what I learned from him?  You can eat those cool propeller seeds from the maple tree.  You just peel the outside off the nice little seed and pop it into your mouth.  Some taste just like a fresh pea, others, a little bitter.  After a little research on the internet it seems that many use as a trail snack but others boil or roast them.  I think I want to try them cooked.  I will let you know how they taste.  The ones I tried were already dry looking but the seed inside was plump and green.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

It's time for greens!

There are so many things you can do with fresh greens,  Just think about what you normally do with kale, spinach, lettuce.  I just picked fresh Poke Greens, Lambsquarters and Wood Sorrel.  I have a garden full of lettuce and spinach too so here is what I am going to do... I made a delish meal with lemon zest ravioli... added the sorrel, lambsquarters, twice cooked poke and pesto w lemon zest.  Then made a salad w lettuce, spinach, lambsquarters.  Soo good.